
KLAIPĖDA LYCEUM Klaipėda Lyceum is one of the most highly rated schools in Lithuania, now in its 30th year of operation. It educates children from the age of 1,5 up to matriculation exams. Klaipėda Lyceum ranks first among all Lithuanian gymnasiums that do not perform selection of learners.
High academic performance and shared human values ensure that every learner succeeds in achieving their goals. Klaipėda Lyceum graduates go on to study at the world's best universities.


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Learning in a long school allows to know the child better as a learner and to respond more accurately to his/her teaching needs. The learner feels safer and freer in the community of such a school, and can reveal his/her abilities more easily.


National: pre-school, pre-primary, primary, primary and secondary education
International: Accredited International Baccalaureate IB MYP (grades 5-10), IB DP (grades 11-12). Bilingual education programme in pre-primary education 
Complementary programmes: LIONS QUEST, a programme for biomedical, engineering, social sciences and arts, social emotional education

International: Accredited International Baccalaureate IB MYP (grades 5-10), IB DP (grades 11-12). Bilingual education programme in pre-primary education. Klaipėda Lyceum is a Candidate School* for the IB PYP. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Klaipeda Lyceum believes is important for our students.

*Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme, or the Career-related Programme (CP).  Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit http://www.ibo.org



In 2016–2022, Klaipėda Lyceum ranks first in academic results among more than 360 Lithuanian gymnasiums that do not select learners.

In 2013–2022, Klaipėda Lyceum learners are the leaders of national and international Olympiads in Klaipėda city and in the country.


Learners of Klaipėda Lyceum successfully study at the best Lithuanian and foreign universities: Cambridge University (UK), University of Edinburgh (UK), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), London School of Economics, The Hague University (Netherlands), Ecole Polytechnique (Paris, France), Kings College London (UK), Vilnius University, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas University of Technology and others.


Frisbee teams win first place in the city

Teams achieved great success in the Klaipėda city frisbee championship on June 9th: Secondary-school students - 1st place 8th-grader team - 1st place, 6 MYP B team - 2nd place The teams were coached by teacher S. Lukonas.

Head of Klaipėda Lyceum: Schools of the millennium are born not in the offices of politicians

Can the definition of modern education and educational institutions of Lithuania be synonymous in the same sentence? Klaipėda Lyceum principal Dr. Regina Kontautienė claims that a status of a modern establishment of learning is upheld by the view on the process of education and a school’s community, not simply by computerised classrooms or a high-tech...

The Klaipėda Lyceum teacher and student appreciation ceremony had 1000 participants and 251 letter of commendation

The traditional “Blue Carpet” ceremony took place on the first days of June. Here various student achievements, prize-winning placements and laureate names, alongside those, who contributed to the betterment of the Lyceum community, were celebrated.

“The Undergrowth is growing, teacher! It’s growing… a beautiful undergrowth!”

These are the words from Kazys Binkis’ a Lithuanian literary classic play “Undergrowth” (written in 1937). These words were also echoed on the lips of the student parents after the show.

We are proud of our students’ active work outside the Lyceum walls

Vytenis Jurgelionis (6th grade) participated in the Children’s council meeting with the United Nations General Secretary Special Commissioner for violence against Children Dr. Najat Maalla M’jid on June 7th. More on that: https://www.lrytas.lt/tevams/vaikai/2023/06/05/news/dveji-metai-su-vaiku-taryba-aktualios-temos-svarbus-pasiulymai-ir-placiai-girdimas-vaiku-balsas-27278052
Teachers speak
Parents speak
Learners speak
Graduates speak
Soc. partners speak

Ramunė Petrauskienė

Head of International Baccalaureate Programmes

“Klaipėda Lyceum is proud to have an International Baccalaureate programme starting in 2020. It is a programme that is recognised by all international universities, where children learn in English and are certainly not afraid to take on some challenges. This programme also includes personal development, people who complete this programme think globally, are very empathetic, are integrated into the community and understand that when living in a community, one must not only receive, but first and foremost, give.”

Inga Gusiatina

Mother of a schoolgirl

“I feel really at ease, I love both the school environment and the safety, and the fact that the children are here under the magnification glass – they are being watched. If something doesn’t work for the child, the teacher invites us, we talk individually, discuss where the child should go, where he needs help.
This school will not let them relax (educationally speaking) – it is a school for motivated and goal-oriented children, and it requires a lot of work. As my daughter Beatričė says: “you can’t be idle here – you have to work a lot.” And she actually works a lot. Sometimes I, as a mother, get angry that she works too many hours, but I think it is very individual and depends on each child’s speed, pace, and various personal characteristics. I think each family manages on its own.”

Kasparas Arys

Klaipėda Lyceum graduate

“The school provides the best conditions for the learner to achieve high academic results, and the means for us to achieve these high results are: excellent, our teachers of the highest level, different lessons and different activities in the lessons. In the twelfth grade, I, as a graduate learner, felt that there was a strong emphasis on the fact that exams were waiting for us, but the interesting thing was that not only the exam itself was being prepared, but the subject itself was being prepared. It is not the case that teachers say that this is the subject they will need in the exam and the other will not, but teachers explain the whole subject in depth, in detail and complement the knowledge you might need at a university.

For me, the most important thing is that those learners who want to achieve results are gathering in Klaipėda Lyceum.“

Vilius Tubinas

Klaipėda Lyceum graduate

“I think the school’s contribution is really very, very important, because the teachers have always encouraged us to learn and always helped us when we needed it most. I really think if I had gone to a different school, I’m not sure I would have achieved such high matriculation exam results.”

 Brother Benediktas Jurčys

Spiritual Director of Klaipėda Lyceum

“I see all that transformation, I know those kids, those families where they grow up. I know dads, not all of them, of course, but a lot of them. I see how families are changing – the child is changing the family. The world we live in is fast-paced, very selfish, and these children are kind of stepping back from that world and starting to think about things like justice, starting to think about moderation: Do I really need everything, or can I share? They wonder, do I really always need to defend myself with lies, or can I always be truthful? This is what they get: wisdom, justice, moderation – all the basic virtues, including honesty. Klaipėda Lyceum is the place, the haven, where morality is also discussed.”

We invite you to provide donations

Klaipėda Lyceum helps support various institutions and organisations in need in Klaipėda. We also invite you to provide support in the form of books and/or financial support to the Klaipėda Lyceum Library, 1.2% income tax part support to the school.

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