


To strive for every child of the Lyceum to be a personality, eager to learn, able to create, distinguished by achievements.

Educational objectives

  • To develop a curious, creative and active personality.
  • To develop and strengthen the abilities important for a person's happiness and success.
  • To reveal and develop children's talents for outstanding achievement.


Self-sufficiency. We believe that every child’s intellectual growth starts with the ability to find their own solutions, to have their own opinions, to listen to others and to seek consensus.

Diligence. The future begins now. In developing the leaders of tomorrow, we need to foster the right attitude that achieving the best results requires a sustained and long-term effort and commitment.

Friendliness. Children need to understand and feel early on that they will always achieve more in life by acting together with others, and that everyone’s contribution will be strengthened if friendly, respectful and ethical cooperative relationships are fostered.

Citizenship. Commitment and caring for others is the key to success. If children learn early on to treat others as they would like to be treated themselves, they will develop a responsible attitude towards the consequences of their actions – the basis of citizenship.


  • Respects, tries to hear and understand each child.
  • Caring, helpful, attentive, sincere, patient.
  • Speaks quietly, calmly, always with a smile and in a good mood.
  • High pedagogical excellence, creative, constantly learning.


The child is the centerpiece of education.

We look at every problem, fact and phenomenon from the child’s point of view, through his or her eyes and experience.

Scientifically-based education.

We organise the educational process on the basis of the latest research on child development by national and international scientists, scientifically based educational methodologies and technologies proven in educational practice. We attach great importance to the experience of pre-primary and pre-primary education in the United Kingdom.


Children’s perceptions and thinking are undivided and holistic. Therefore, the content of education is integral and corresponds to the developmental characteristics of a child at a certain age. Integrally, we develop the child’s thinking powers, his linguistic, visual, acting expression, aesthetic judgement, and healthy lifestyle skills. The holistic integrity of the educational process ensures the development of the child’s various capacities and the coherence of all areas of education.


Since every child has important connections with real life, we pay great attention to the context of the educational content when implementing pre-school and pre-school education programmes. Children’s education is organised according to selected topics relevant for children, which are revealed through integrated various academic, artistic and sports activities. We aim to present each topic in an interesting, relevant and meaningful way. We teach what matters to the child.

Child-centred (self)education for success.

The educational process is organised in such a way that each child can experience success continuously. The content and methods of education are selected in response to each child’s abilities and personal maturity. Through Gardner’s multifaceted intelligence model and other innovative methodologies for assessing the child’s cognition and his personal progress, educators help each child and his or her parents recognise and reveal the nature of the child’s personality and help the child achieve maximum intellectual growth and personal maturity at their own pace through appropriately adapted educational content and methods. In this way, we help each child to constantly experience success, to ensure his or her good psychological well-being and to strengthen his or her self-confidence.

Play as an educational method.

Play is essential to a child’s early development. In particular, the development of a child’s brain is helped by play that the teacher helps the child to create. During play, the child learns by observing, listening, imitating, replicating and actively participating in the creative process of the game. By playing this way, the child’s motivation and ability to learn is gradually matured. When developing a game plot, the educator takes care of the emotionality of the game, its structure and meaning, which is significant for the child’s psychological experience. Children of pre-school age educated by the gaming method demonstrate higher academic achievements (Grey, 2015).


It is the bridge between pre-primary and primary education. The more volatile the imagination of a preschooler, the easier it is to engage in learning activities and create a constructive dialogue with an adult. Therefore, in the preschool age, we create all possibilities for the development of the imagination through the game, the various social roles assumed during the game, exploration, integrated creative activities.

Social and Emotional Education (SEE).

The LIONS QUEST programme develops learners’ self-awareness, responsible and constructive decision-making, positive relationships, effective conflict resolution, social awareness, and emotional and behavioural management to achieve our goals.

Academic skills.

This is an important area of education. We develop academic skills by applying the experience of the best pre-school and pre-primary education institutions in the United Kingdom and the Klaipėda Lyceum author’s pre-primary and pre-primary education curriculum. It focuses on the main areas of academic learning – mathematics, reading, writing, scientific knowledge of the world and foreign language learning.

Educational continuity.

Programmes for the education of children of different ages are consistent with each other. Continuity of education is ensured when a child moves from one stage of education to another. This allows educators to get to know the child better as a learner and to respond more accurately to his/her educational needs each year and to create more favourable conditions for the development of his/her personality. Therefore, it is not the child who needs to adapt to the school education system, but the education system is increasingly adapting to the child.

After graduating from pre-school in the Little Klaipėda Lyceum, children will be able to continue their education in the first class of Klaipėda Lyceum from the first class.


The Little Klaipėda Lyceum educates children aged 2-6 in accordance with the original curriculum developed by the Klaipėda Lyceum, which is based on the UK Early Years Foundation Stage and pre-primary curricula, adapted for children in Lithuania.

The whole education system is focused on comprehensive education of the child, responding to the individual needs of the child. A methodology of different learning styles is applied throughout the educational process, based on Gardner’s model of multiple intelligences.
Classes have a lot of experimental, cognitive-creative activities, and the educational process is dynamic, playful and interesting.

The following areas of the child’s cognition are developed: daily living skills, physical activity, perception and expression of emotions, self-regulation and self-control, self-awareness and self-esteem, relationships with adults, relationships with peers, spoken language, written language, foreign languages, scientific knowledge of the world, calculation and measurement, music, dance, acting, visual expression and aesthetic perception, problem-solving, exploration, creativity, initiative, perseverance, learning to learn.


Professor at Harvard University and chief expert at the Innovation Laboratory Dr. Tony Wagner identifies 7 key competences for success in the world of tomorrow. When developed correctly, children’s abilities make it easy to assimilate knowledge, understand its meaning and application, and to integrate it and create new knowledge in a collaborative and cooperative way. We consider the skills identified by Professor Dr. Tony Wagner of Harvard University to be of the utmost importance and place the highest focus on their development.

Critical thinking and problem solving.

Critical thinking is developed by actively exploring oneself and one’s surroundings, by mastering modes of inquiry (observation, experimentation, exploration), by encouraging thinking and reasoning about why things happen, why they happen this way and not that way, and about what one has observed, discovered, discovered, felt and experienced. Critical thinking is also fostered by encouraging to overcome everyday challenges and difficulties, by explaining why they have arisen, by understanding their own and others’ intentions, by finding appropriate solutions, by trying things out, by exploring, by clarifying, by collaborating and by seeing the consequences of their decisions. This is how we develop critical thinkers who seek new solutions.

Collaboration and leadership.

Leadership development is guided by the notion that every child can be a leader (Havard, 2014), which is why it is important to continuously learn from experience and reflect. Leadership development encourages children to trust others, to be open-minded, empathetic, respectful and understanding, and to have good relationships with others. We teach communication and cooperation, responsibility, problem-solving and anticipating the future consequences of decisions. It is important for us that children learn to act in a team, knowing that everyone in the team is important and that everyone’s leadership is necessary in different situations in order for the team to win.

Mobility and adaptation.

The world becomes very small, physically and virtually we can reach all areas of the world. The realisation that we are citizens of the world, that we work and travel around the world, requires the ability to communicate with very different people, to know different cultures, to adapt to different environments and intercultural teams.

Initiative and entrepreneurship.

It is the development of the ability to take the initiative to implement ideas, to take responsibility for the result. Proactive initiative and the ability to organise activities well are important skills for achieving the goals.

Effective verbal and written communication.

It is about developing the ability to communicate key information and the art of speaking clearly, concisely and fluently, orally and in writing.

Search and analysis of information.

Modern technology challenges us to find the most relevant information more efficiently and to make the best use of it to make decisions. It is therefore important to start developing the ability to find the necessary information as early as possible.

Curiosity and creativity.

By developing the child’s creativity, we encourage their cognitive activity, desire to explore, experiment, be interested in new, unknown, complex things, discern problems, ask questions, discuss, imagine, and fantasize. The ability to seek answers, unexpected ideas, various options, rearrange, adapt and the courage to do their own way helps the child to grow as a creative personality. Intellectual creativity is fostered throughout the educational process. To this end, children carry out a wide range of integrated academic and artistic projects.


The Little Klaipėda Lyceum makes an early effort to spot able, gifted and talented children and to give them the attention they deserve in their development. We prepare individual education plans for these children, the content of which goes beyond the general curriculum, is in line with the child’s personal interests and responds to the individual education style of each child. The group educator informs the AG&T coordinator about the observed able, gifted and talented (AG&T) children, who helps the educator to assess the needs of the child and to prepare an individual education plan for the child.
We personalise and differentiate our work with AG&T children through joint sessions and individual work. Children are constantly encouraged and taught to think critically and creatively. Reasoning, problem-solving and searching for answers to various questions, unleashing the imagination, awakening curiosity, perseverance, consistent work, cooperation, and developing leadership traits are an integral part of the daily process of educating gifted children. Teachers apply the methodology for assessing the child’s individual progress throughout the educational process and systematically discuss the educational process and results with the AG&T coordinator and the child’s parents.


Klaipėda Lyceum is committed to the safe and healthy education of the child, which is why the Health Improvement Programme has been put in place since 2018. It is integrated into everyday activities, starting in pre-primary education and ensuring continuity at other levels of education(s). The Health Improvement Programme includes fitness, sea therapy, morning and corrective exercises, healthy eating, aromatherapy and music therapy, colour therapy, children’s yoga, various massages, Nordic walking, agile games in the fresh air, herbal teas, inhalations, etc. Every week, the healthcare professional conducts health lessons in accordance with a specially designed programme.


The school serves only fresh and varied food. We pay particular attention to product combination.
Children with allergies, intolerance to certain foods, or families with a different eating philosophy are offered a separate food plan.


  • Aromatherapy
  • Music therapy
  • Colour therapy
  • Children's yoga
  • Corrective exercise
  • Mobile games in the fresh air
  • Nordic walking along the seaside
  • Herbal teas
  • Natural juices
  • Inhalations
  • Massages
  • We are guided by the principles of humanistic pedagogy
  • Cooperation with parents


  • The school opens at 7:30 and classes start at 9:00. Before the first lesson, the children interact with their peers, take part in morning exercise, play, construct and engage in other creative activities.
  • Every day until 14:00, 5 lessons are organised, the activities of which are integrated in accordance with the themes and ongoing educational projects. Children are taught basic reading and writing, mathematics, English, world knowledge, technology, chess, art, music, dance and theatre classes. The school organises specialised corrective exercises and physical education classes.
  • From 14:00 to 17:00, there are extracurricular artistic, engineering and sports activities in accordance with children's needs. There are also activities to promote healthy lifestyles, as well as active learning and outdoor play activities.
  • From 17:00 to 18:00, the school has a duty group, where children do a variety of activities in accordance with their needs.
  • Twice a month, the group’s educator organises theme outings, excursions, during which the children deepen and apply their knowledge, repeat what they have learned, which develop children's social-emotional competences, and encourage their self-expression.
  • 1-2 times a month, children take part in joint educational projects at school.
  • The Social Emotional Education programme is integrated into the entire educational process.


Application of different teaching/learning styles in accordance with Gardner’s theory-based model of multiple intelligences.
The theory of multiple intelligences helps every child become successful.


The aim of the educational theory developed by Howard Gardner and his followers is to identify the nature of each personality as early and as accurately as possible, to reveal it to the child and to the parents, and to put the child on the truest and most direct path to success and happiness in life. That path must begin as early as possible – in kindergarten, in school – and then, once we know ourselves, we can nurture our nature and spread it throughout our lives.


The Klaipėda Lyceum already applies the methodologies of different learning styles and Gardner’s model of multiple intelligences at the pre-school stage.

Gardner and his followers distinguish 7 types of intelligence that are independent of each other:

  • mathematical-logical
  • verbal-linguistic,
  • spatial-visual,
  • internal-personal,
  • intrapersonal (communication),
  • body-kinaesthetic,
  • musical-rhythmic.

Typically, 2-3 types of intelligence dominate a child’s personality. Together with other intelligences, they form a unique combination of intelligences that is unique to each child. This uniqueness determines the individual learner’s preferred way of thinking, processing and understanding information, i.e. his or her own learning style and strategy.
In accordance with Gardner, all kinds of intelligence need to be valued and developed. The organisation of the teaching/learning process is geared towards the development of multiple intelligences through a variety of activities. Organising different activities activates different types of intelligence. The focus is on recognising and strengthening the child’s strengths by systematically moving to motivated education in other areas. Educators identify the learning styles best suited to each child’s intellectual development, based on methodologies developed by educational scientists and practitioners.

This is the methodology followed by most private schools in the UK.


A narrative game is an imaginative, collective role-playing game in which children create a shared storyline. It is a holistic educational approach that organically combines children and adults’ cultural experiences, exploration and learning from each other, co-creating an immersive game storyline.
Narrative play is not a staged story, not theatrical acting, but real events in children’s lives and events from other stories that children know and love, woven into the narrative world of play. A key feature of an evolved narrative game is the ability of players to develop shared ideas and create a storyline together. The characteristic of such a game is that it is collective, takes place in the imagination, develops in time, the created plot poses challenges, is interesting and promotes the full engagement of children.
By combining feelings, knowledge and practical activities during the narrative play, a holistic development of the child’s personality (is) takes place, awakening the child’s creativity, motivation, imagination, logical thinking, strengthens the will, self-control, helping to understand the position of another person and build relationships. In this way, a basic structure of narrative thinking and a basic pattern of communication are formed in the pre-school age. The development of narrative thinking and skills it entails are crucial for the transition to abstract, logical thinking and theoretical perception of the world.


Forest School (Peter Houghton and Jane Worroll) is an inspiring activity that provides all children with regular opportunities to learn, develop confidence and build self-esteem through learning in the forest or other natural settings. Forest School lessons help children learn about nature, encourage them to observe and explore every detail of nature, ask questions, develop cognitive skills, think critically and solve problems. At Forest School, various integrated activities help children develop their cognitive skills – to learn counting, to get to know letters, to read, etc. For this purpose, children usually use simple and environmentally friendly items: cones, shells, acorns, thread, fabric scraps, sticks, twigs, wooden blocks, pebbles, etc. Children develop creativity, thinking and imagination through the use of such simple materials and objects during games.
The Forest School reflects the idea of therapeutic learning, which aims to maximise children’s social, emotional and developmental potential, allowing them to take more risks, learn more independently, achieve their goals, be active, play and accumulate experience in direct contact with nature. The pedagogue evaluates each child’s hobbies, learning style and work with him/her to encourage the child to use all his learning abilities. Forest school lessons promote the comprehensive development of the child. Children are extremely curious, eager to play, explore the world around them, and actively choose activities that manage their own learning process.


Philip Yenawine, an educator in New York, and Abigail Housen, a psychologist and specialist in cognitive science, developed a way of getting to know and seeing art for schools: visual thinking strategy (VTS).

The visual thinking method is based on an active dialogue between the teacher as interviewer and the children. The interviewer uses the universal framework of questions developed by psychologist Abigail Housen and educator Philip Yenawine. The system of questions encourages children to engage in dialogue and to look at artworks without preconceptions and prejudices. Since each participant sees the paintings differently, at the beginning of the session the focus is on objective facts describing the work of art: shape, composition, colour, materials. This is followed by a discussion of the children’s subjective interpretations of the work.

Although the object of the visual thinking strategy is art, similar exercises can be carried out with advertisements or anything else that uses visual language to convey its message.
When applied over a long period of time, it is also possible to reach a rather abstract, almost philosophical level of thinking. When this practice is repeated many times, the children and the teacher begin to trust each other and feel the power of the emerging conversation.

The importance of the visual thinking strategy is that people are much more focused on what they see, with no one offering them the right answers – meaning is created by talking. The visual thinking strategy also allows us to speak up to those who are often quieter or think they don’t know the right answer. In such a dialogue, children can just listen to each other, understand how they see one and the same thing differently and without feeling the ability to develop critical thinking.


It is essential to help children understand the impact of their thoughts, words, actions (and reactions) in order to create a basis for their future well-being. Being aware of your mindset formation(s) means being able to accept criticism and stay open. Children are taught to think positively in order to accept the feedback they are given and to learn through their own experiences. They continue to develop strategies for improvement because they believe that even something that has failed can bring them some benefits. Children who have grown up and learned to think positively from an early age are expected to have a much better chance of living happy, healthy and successful lives.
Mindfullness is an educational technique that helps focus on your presence in the here and now, and teaches to accept yourself and others, avoiding negative judgements of others. Mindfullness can help you get rid of stress and negative thoughts, and help you feel happier. It is also noted in practice that these short sessions help children to develop concentration, improve the school microclimate and learners’ academic achievements.

Multisensorial environmentsenvironment

This play area is unique in that it is equipped with special equipment to create a multi-sensory environment designed to develop the primary senses of touch, sight, hearing and smell.