The traditional “Blue Carpet” ceremony took place on the first days of June. Here various student achievements, prize-winning placements and laureate names, alongside those, who contributed to the betterment of the Lyceum community, were celebrated. The festive ceremony was special this year not only because of the vastness of participants, honourable guests but also the artistic liberties of exceptional beauty taken for making this event possible.
A Multitude of participants in the two-day ceremony
The “Blue Carpet” ceremony that had taken place outside for the past few years took place in the LCC International University Michaelsen centre.
The event took place over the span of two days as tradition dictates. Students in their preschool years as well as students and teachers teaching primary grades were celebrated on the first day, whereas, on the second day, students from 5-12th grades, members of their families and teachers gathered in the Michaelsen centre on the second day.
Laureates of International, National and Regional championships were celebrated alongside those who actively worked towards bettering the Lyceum community this school year.
Over 1000 participants and viewers participated in the event over the span of two days. According to the event director Tomas Jašinskas, this year’s ceremony was exceptional in its versatility and theatricality.
“I am glad that this year we did not lack in esteemed guests or a variety of artistic performances, where various dance and music styles, gymnastics and martial arts coalesced. This brought a level of uniqueness to the event.” – says the director of the event.
Esteemed guests congratulated the winners
Over 250 prizewinners of various competitions and championships were celebrated during this year’s “Blue Carpet” ceremony.
Teachers who prepared these celebrated students were also awarded commendation letters from the Education, science and sports minister and the Seimas.
According to the Klaipėda Lyceum principal Dr. Regina Kontautienė, it is exceptionally exciting to see the number of celebrated students increase each year.
“We are proud that, each year, we are able to award more and more members of the Lyceum community, which have achieved great results in various championships, but also actively contribute to important social projects. This shows that Liceym is moving in the right direction and that this event is becoming more and more important each year” – says the head of the school.
Esteemed guests handed out awards for various achievements in various championships to Lyceum students and teachers. Among them were the city mayor Arvydas Vaitkus, famous modern dance choreographer and head of the theater Agnija Šeiko, Klaipėda freeman Sigitas Benediktas Jurčys, Head of the Klaipėda doll theater Aušra Juknevičienė.
Other esteemed guests who handed out awards were Klaipėda city municipality department of administration advisor Vida Bubliauskienė, Klaipėda city municipality administration department of Education senior specialist Simona Šliogerienė, Klaipėda University Infrastructure and development pro-rector Benediktas Petrauskas, Klaipėda dean of the deanery, dean of the St. Casimir’s parish and priest Rolandas Karpavičius, Klaipėda Rotary club “Aditė” member Irena Greičiūnienė, as well as a famous Lithuanian yachtsman and founder of the Klaipėda Rotary club “Concordia 1826”, Lithuania’s Rotary district chairman, Neringa municipality council member Arūnas Burkšas.
Letters of commendation to the Lyceum community
During the event Science of the Year, Leader of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, Teacher of the Year and other traditional nomination laureates were announced and awarded.
This year the Teacher of the Year was Mathematics teacher Indrė Čypė, who received the most points from students as well as her colleagues.
Klaipėda city mayor Arvydas Vaitkus, while giving his congratulations, said he was proud that Klaipėda has one of the best establishments of education in Lithuania.
Franciscan monk Brother Benediktas Jurčys thanked the lyceum community for its input in raising a spiritual, self-sacrificing volunteering youth of Lyceum and giving those who are sick and live with disabilities as well as the elders much needed support, aid and a hopeful outlook on the biggest gift of all – Life.
Exceptional artistic performances
This year the “Blue Carpet” ceremony was filled with exceptional artistic performances. The littlest were congratulated by the actors of the Klaipėda doll theatre, who performed in a mesmerising performance “About fish and men”.
The event was led by choreographer and director and Klaipėda Lyceum teacher Taurūnas Baužas and Lyceum teacher and event organiser Šarūnė Kazlauskė.
The participants were also given a unique opportunity to be the first to see moments from Taurūnas Baužas’ choreographed play “The girl with the matches” that is currently still in production.
The laureates of the traditional nomination of the “blue Carpet” ceremony were also awarded paintings by Juozas Vosylius
This school year, Klaipėda Lyceum students won 9 prize-winning places in International competitions, 57 in National competitions, 19 in Regional competitions, 130 in City competitions and championships, and won in 58 other competitions.
Overall, 251 students and teams were given awards during this year’s ceremony.
153 students who study perfectly or very well were also celebrated and given awards.