Describing this meeting with Aleksas Eugenijus Kulvietis in only a few sentences is a real challenge. Even though the Klaipėda Lyceum Spanish language teacher said he is a just a simple man several times during his presentation, his social action says otherwise. The legacy of Abraomas Kulvietis who was one of the founders of Lithuania’s...Read More
WE WISH TO INVITE YOU TO THE TRADITIONAL KLAIPĖDA LYCEUM STUDENT AND TEACHER APPRECIATION “BLUE CARPET” CELEBRATION PRIMARY EDUCATION June 1st (Thursday) 2.30 p.m. (Preschool students, 1st-2nd grades) 5 p.m. (3rd-4th grades) LCC Michaelsen centre (Kretinga str. 36, Klaipėda) PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION June 2nd (Friday) 5 p.m. LCC Michaelsen centre (Kretinga str. 36, Klaipėda)Read More